Monday, January 23, 2012

10 facts that help in the success of start-ups

Here are 10 facts that help in the success of start-ups, according to a Harvard study:

1-Serial entrepreneurs are more likely to build successful startups than first time entrepreneurs.

2-Who is more likely to get a VC's check; a founder who failed at their last venture or a founder who succeeded? If it's the same VC firm, the failed entrepreneur.

3-Is running a successful venture skill, luck or timing? Successful entrepreneurs are skilled at timing the market.

4-Success breed success.

5-Are companies that are funded by top-tier VC firms more likely to succeed? yes in general.

6- If a startup's founder has been successful before, how important is the VC? If a startup is founded by previously successful entrepreneurs, then the VC firm doesn't really matter.

7-Where do most entrepreneurs get their ideas from? From former employers.

8-Will VCs give the same entrepreneur funding on their next venture? Not usually. The same venture capital firm that funded you before probably won't give you money again.

9-Who closes VC funding faster, a serial entrepreneurs or a new founder? Serial entrepreneurs receive venture capital faster than first-time entrepreneurs.

10-Who receives a higher initial valuation, seasoned entrepreneurs or new ones? New entrepreneurs.

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Louis Rhéaume
Infocom intelligence
Twitter: @InfocomAnalysis

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