Tuesday, October 11, 2011

A new model for universities: Singularity University

A new model for universities is proposed by Singularity University in Silicon Valley. It was founded by Ray Kurzeil and Peter Diamandis. Serial entrepreneur Salim Ismail is now the university’s Global Ambassador.

They offer a ten week intensive Summer program where you can learn new technologies and search for solutions to social challenges. It aims to offer "pull content" and updated knowledge versus the traditional "push content" model offered by traditional universities, since 700 years.

The point is in many sectors like technologies, the traditional learning in universities is often out of date, even before the end of the studying. With Singularity University, teachers are often entrepreneurs or experts in technologies, or social challenges.

For more information, see the interview on TechCrunch. Few places are available per year.


Louis Rhéaume
Infocom Intelligence

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