Tuesday, November 15, 2011

New study by McKinsey: The impact of the Internet on economic growth and prosperity

According to a new study by McKinsey, the Internet Sector is bigger than agriculture or utilities sector in the USA.

"The Internet has already served notice that it will be a disruptive force resolutely shaping the economy and society of the 21th century. But it can be a positive disruptor, supplying engines of growth to regions of the world that have been disadvantaged in the past, creating whole new industries from electrons and software code, and offering hope and opportunity to millions with its ability to spread knowledge, empower consumers, and organize social interactions.

As the aftermath of the global financial crisis challanges our government and business leaders to innovate as ever before, we should not lose sight of the enormous value of the Internet economy has already brought to rich and poor nations alike and its potential to boost growth across the globe".

Small and medium-sized firms using Web tecdhnologies extensively are growing more quickly and exporting more widely. It is true particularly in commerce and services industries.

Louis Rhéaume
Infocom Intelligence
Twitter: @InfocomAnalysis

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